Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement:

Connecting People to God…To Others…and To Service

     The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20a), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ.

     Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, “To equip the saints” (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.

     Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.

     And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregation’s faith and life.

     To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures to Make Disciples.